As a life coach, I work with perfectionists and people-pleasers who struggle to put their own needs first. I help them restore deep, connected relationships with their inner child to reclaim the power of their intuitive Knowing. Together, we build self-trust over self-doubt, confident boundary-setting over constant exhaustion, and clarity of purpose over brain-fog and fear.

If you find yourself constantly struggling to prioritize your own needs (and maybe you don't even know what your own needs are);

If you don't know how to say "no," and are constantly drained as a result;

If you're exhausted, but think that if you take a break the world will fall apart ("I have people depending on me, they can't afford for me to rest");

If you're terrified of letting others down, to the point that you'd rather suffer day after day than run the risk of disappointing them;

If your self-worth is so tied up in being exceptional that even a tiny mistake turns your inner monologue into "I'm such a failure, why do I even bother?"

If you're stuck in "hustle" culture, and want to break the cycle, but don't know how;

If you have Big Dreams, but are terrified to go after them because you don't know if you could bear the disappointment of failure or rejection;

If you're tired of feeling like nothing you do is ever good enough;

If you have a deep-soul feeling that something simply isn't right in your life, but you don't know what, or how to find clarity...

I highly recommend you hop over to my website and schedule a free 45-minute discovery call.

As a recovering perfectionist/chronic people-pleaser myself, I've spent years carefully cultivating tools to help you reach your fullest, freest, most wild potential. This life has so much more to offer than disappointment, fear, and doubt. And YOU, my dear, are so worth finding out what that is.

I know it's hard. But you don't have to go it alone.

I can't wait to meet you. <3

Medium member since September 2022