Letting the Mystery Unfold

Julia Hjelte
2 min readNov 28, 2023

An offering

I’m finding that so much of living life is learning to fall in love with Mystery.

With the sweet Unknown.

With that which is at our very center, always listening, aching to be noticed, sought after, drunk from.

Falling in love with all that we have yet to discover, all we have yet to experience. The rejections, the victories, the displacements, the confusion, the cherished moments, the joy, the grief, the losing of self, the regaining of self, and the forging of new selves as we come to higher, deeper, more sacred spaces within our own skin.

Familiarizing the unfamiliar.

So much of living life is Inquiry.

Asking What If? What is possible? Why not? What does this mean? What’s beneath that? And that? And that?

And that?

So much of living life is finding Gratitude in the stillness… and the mayhem.

